Statement Against Fascist Disaster Tourism in Western North Carolina

The following statement was submitted anonymously to Hellbender:

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We’ve been seeing local and regional responses in WNC from regular people autonomously addressing each other’s immediate needs in the face of ongoing crisis from the effects of Hurricane Helene. Simultaneously, we’ve been seeing fascist and white supremacist formations all reacting to the crisis with responses of their own. It’s important to understand that an inherent part of fascist thinking and organizing is to seize on moments of crisis and of failures of the state to further their own agenda. Fascists prop themselves up as a solution to the state’s inadequacy and enact programmatic violence against marginalized community members. It is under this guise of a helping hand that fascists are propagandizing their efforts to further their larger goal of white supremacy, whether that be through the lens of ethnonationalism, ecofascism, accelerationism, or a broader ethnocentrism. We didn’t want fascists on our streets before the floods, and we certainly don’t want them while our roads are washed away.

Fascists positioning themselves as providers of resources to whomever they deem ‘worthy recipients’ is unacceptable. We know that these same people advocate for the death and decimation of whole groups of people based on their marginalized identities – from Black, Indigenous, or immigrant communities, to LGBTQ+ community members, and residents who use drugs and may be homeless. This is not ‘help’ they are providing to people; this is an opaque contract of white supremacist eugenics signed with the deaths of those they consider ‘less deserving’. Humanitarian aid with qualifications is not humanitarian. When climate crisis strikes, we put mutual aid into practice. We take back our lives and ensure our collective survival, together.    

Another way we can collectively support one another’s well-being is by standing together against these clear efforts by fascists to take advantage of us. Appalachia has been taken advantage of enough. Within the past week we’ve seen Patriot Front, Proud Boys, Asatru Folk Assembly and Active Club chapters all swoop in for photo opportunities posing as saviors, in hollow attempts to use our communities’ plight to legitimize themselves. While the people of WNC have been constantly readjusting our lives to eke out what quality we can in an ever-growing economy of tourism, we now need to understand the economy of disaster tourism developing before our eyes. As we continue to determine our own futures amidst the ongoing crises that leave some worse off than others, lets make sure we all are taken care of. By keeping fascists from being able to decide who gets to live and who gets to die, we take back our lives through defending each other’s.

– Some Appalachian Antifascists

Fascist Zionist Church Defiled in Asheville NC

Hellbender Distro received the following anonymous reportback:

Graffiti reads “FREE PALESTINE”

“On the gusty night of Monday November 20th, winds of revenge defaced as many walls and destroyed as many locks as they could find on the grounds of Trinity Baptist Church, Christo-fascist Zionists in so-called Asheville, North Carolina as they prepared for their annual colonial holiday. Cowards all, preaching that the genocide against the Palestinian people is God’s curse on those who defy Israeli statedomination.
May all Zionist Churches be found out and met with incandescent rage. May their regime rot and be destroyed. They’ve been safe for too long, and we hope this small act inspires direct action in any form against those nursing the butchers of the world.

Free Palestine
-anonymous “

Graffiti on glass window of door reads “ABORT CHRIST REMEMBER THE WORLD”

Graffiti reads “GOD IS GAY”

Hi Haters

OK, so this quick post is just literally because Chad Nesbitt and his “journalists” at Skyline News finally gave us a little recognition on their Facebook! But the comments section of the post had a lot of people who weren’t sure if we were still active because it’s been a while since we posted here. So, hi there haters! We are still here, still going to steal your flags, attack condos, write prisoners letters, and spread anarchy whether by action, text, spoken word, or meme. And whatever else we want. Oh, and check our Twitter page out for some REAL news about Chad Nesbitt.

<—-Hellbenders out

Reportbacks from May Day Actions

Here are highlights from some anonymous reportbacks of actions taken here in Asheville, and submitted to Hellbender.

First, we hope you all had a wonderful May 1st. But more importantly, we hope that taking action (whether you report back on it or not) continues to take place around town beyond designated days of radical remembrance. Every day should have just as much potential for direct action as the next, irregardless of the history of the date. But we did enjoy the May Day bingo call to action. The setup was nice because it not only gave some a bit of direction in a time swirling with confusion and inundation of abysmal news on repeat, and the bingo board itself had variety. The bulk of the tiles were actions some of us take on a regular basis, but to coalesce those efforts with fun and solidarity, and spark engagement with action in new ways and possibly a few new faces felt good overall.



“…snuck into a parking garage where residents of some downtown condos have spots late last night, and surprise surprise first car I see is a bougie ass porsche or mercedes or whatever the fuck luxury SUV. So slashed the tires and tagged it up— HAPPY MAY DAY XO”



” Sent some moneys to Sean Swain’s support fund!”




“Last night a couple of us went out to the rich neighborhood by the grove park country club (barf) and stole as many flags as we could find off people’s porches. Unfortunately that was only 2, but that’s two less american flags up! Also we tagged up the country club with “EAT THE RICH” and some circles As.”






” this il mountain goatee fucked a whole foods security camera up with a big ol brnach fuckamazonfuckamazonfuckamazonfuckamazonfuckamazon  “



” pro-tip on dumpster fires: you really don’t need much gasoline to get it going. Too much makes dumpster go BOOM. “


Welcome to Hellbender – Here’s to a Helluva May Day!

Welcome to Hellbender, an anarchist DIY countermedia platform///loose collective based here in Asheville, NC — on occupied Tsalagi land. We’re here to help bring anarchist and other anti-authoritarian actions, news, projects, art and events to the forefront – especially those that’re relevant locally. Our aim is to share content that provokes direct action, autonomy, and self-organized action.

Given the current crises and the flux of the ‘everyday’ that we’re all feeling through in our own ways, we thought we’d  share something fun and spirited to start!

///     May Day 2020 BINGO     ///

Some other cities//crews have been sharing this around, and many will be keeping track for their locales. Now that you’ve seen it, we here at Hellbender would love to see what kind of work local ashevillains can get done on this board! If you’d like to send in any anonymous reportbacks or sightings, we’re happy to keep track. But feel free to tally up your own boards with whatever sightings you might come across yourself!

As the rust budz over at Filler PGH said earlier:

Play only w/ trusted friends if yr concerned about security. If yr interested in claiming a tile on behalf of 412 / spreading the idea of the game make sure that your communiqué doesn’t include details that may compromise yr movements or identity. Cities w bad opsec lose points!







—– Hellbender